Productivity Marketing

Joy Is Natural. It Is The Foundational Requirement For All Peak Performance!


The Art & Science of Joy

When we were young, we were full of joy and had to learn misery. As we age, we become full of misery and must learn the art and science of restoring and maintaining joy. It is the key to productivity at work, school, and in our personal lives. Misery blocks productivity. It causes us to suffer our memories of the past and imagination of the future!



Why the new Non-Profit must think like a Fortune 100 Company



Profit for Non-Profits

Many of today’s non-profit companies overcome significant obstacles to achieve favorable outcomes for their constituents each day. They are so passionate about their work that they sometimes fail to properly focus on sustainability. They function well, so long as donations flow abundantly. But when they diminish or evaporate, the non-profit and their constituents suffer. In the business world, many would be candidates for bankruptcy at any given time. This is because their leadership does not understand that it MUST run like a for-profit business to be successful.

Government & Nonprofit

Strategic. Digital. Sustainable.



Brand Engagement

Millennials are expected to overtake Baby Boomers in population in 2019 as their numbers swell to 73 million. According the American Psychology Association, millennials are also the most stressed generation due to “unreasonable workloads and deadlines; unrealistic managers; and unattainable work-life balance. Brands that incorporate the “human experience” into their marketing strategies stand to best engage and connect with these consumers and there are many ways to accomplish this new approach.


Strategic. Digital. Sustainable.


Brand Engagement

Millennials are expected to overtake Baby Boomers in population in 2019 as their numbers swell to 73 million. According the American Psychology Association, millennials are also the most stressed generation due to “unreasonable workloads and deadlines; unrealistic managers; and unattainable work-life balance. Brands that incorporate the “human experience” into their marketing strategies stand to best engage and connect with these consumers and there are many ways to accomplish this new approach.